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We have some scripts to report your multiplets, peaks list, assignments, etc under the 'Tools/Report' menu:




It is possible to export your assignments in a table by following the menu 'Tools/Report/Assignments'. Then, a dialog will appear, from where you can select the correlations to be shown, order by chemical shift, report ranges or mean chemical shift values, show the atom types and copy the report assignments to clipboard:


Assignments script


Finally, you will get the report of the assignments pasted on the spectral window:


export assignments


All Multiplets in Document

Follow the menu 'Tools/Report/All Multiplets in Document' to generate multiplet reports in each spectral page of a document:

Report all multiplets


Smart Reporting

This script will allow you to load a layout template, with the option to include the applicable processing template embedded in the layout or to load other processing templates. The script will allow you also to select 'Spectral Widths' for each nuclei:

Smart Reporting2

See also 'Background and UV subtraction'