Managing Databases

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You can manage the Databases from the menu:




Users with admin role will be able to manage users (creating/editing/deleting users, changing passwords, user roles, descriptions, etc):




Users with admin, contributor, editor or author roles can change his own password from the menu: "Database/Manage/Change Password".


You can create a new database just by following the menu 'Database/Manage/Create Database' to display the dialog box below:




Click on the 'Advanced' button to customize the options of your Database:




From here, you can define several fields for each object just by using small scripts (after having clicked on the 'Add...' button of the Field menu). For example in the example above, you can see how we have defined 40 fields for the object 'Spectrum', such as 'Peaks1D', 'Peaks2d', 'Multiplets1D, 'Title', etc. You can also get the information of the Database (showed in the picture above) just by following the menu 'Database/Database Info'.


You can set a flag as 'Editable', 'Required' or 'Unique' for each item:


Editable: a field set as Editable will be editable (from the DB Browser) after being stored in the DB.

Required: a field set as Required will need to have a value when saved to a DB.

Unique: a field set as Unique will be used to check for duplicated records when saving.


You can add new items, edit the existing ones or delete them by using the applicable buttons.


For example, if you want to add a new field, you will need to click on the ‘Add’ button to add a new field. For example, let´s add a ‘text’ field called ‘CAS NUMBER’ in a molecule:


create custom DB


Here you can see an example to add a couple of parameters as new fields into the 'Mass Chromatogram' item; by typing =MassItem(item).parameters['Sample Name'] under the 'Content' field':


Create DB parameters


Once you have selected the desired items, click on the 'Create&Open button.




Clicking on the Manage button (of the Database ribbon) will display some information about the Databases that you have created:





The library ID will be very useful to identify the file in your disk; as the filename will contain the applicable libraryID number:




If you want to delete any existing database, just follow the menu 'Database/Manage/Delete Database' and select the undesired database in the window displayed:

