Graphics, Annotations and Signatures

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Mnova has the most powerful graphics and annotation capabilities available in any NMR software. Most of the annotations and drawing available in MS Powerpoint are available in Mnova via the graphics toolbar placed by default at the bottom of the screen, below the page navigator and the document area. The software supports Rich Text and so a wide range of fonts and font embellishments (sub- and superscript, bold, italic etc) are available.


Mnova  can import objects such as molecular structures using 'Home/Insert Object' while images may be embedded using the standard Windows Copy and Paste tools.




You can draw a curved arrow, line, a rectangle, an ellipse or a polygon by following the menu 'Home/Drawing' or by using the graphic toolbar, as you can see below. Once you have selected the object you want to draw, hold down the left mouse button in the spectrum display and drag the cursor over the area where the line or shape is to be drawn. Once created the line/shape may be moved, rotated and resized by selecting it and using the object's moving, sizing and rotating "tabs". You can also choose the fill color (light grey as default) as well as the colour and linewidth of the border of the object (black as default). Text may be added to the document in much the same way (T is the shortcut). The text can be aligned (right or left justified or centered) and you can select the text features Bold, Italic and Underline, sub-and superscript and the font (color, type and point size).


Graphic bar    


Please note that if the 'text or drawing box' is completely inside in the spectral window (and not in contact with the scales or similar), it will be moved with the spectrum zoom in. If it is outside, or partially outside, then it will be kept when zoom in (for example):




However you could add annotations or any other object as a child item of a spectrum (or any other object). Therefore when making a transformation (move, scale or rotate) of the parent item, their coordinates get also transformed. This is also happening in the layout template document.



The first command will allow you to set the (selected items) children of the active item. The second button will allow you to clear children items and the third button will allow you to toggle the child type.


From the annotation toolbar, you can also sign documents, so we can grant that the document was created by owner.




The button "Add Signature" will allow you to sign a document with an existing identity. If you don't have any, a message is shown and you get redirected to the Identities dialog (also accessible via "Show Identities" button). From here, you can add new identities, import/export/remove identities (public or private). These identities will go to "My Identities" (with private part) or to "Known Identities" tab (no private part). Documents Identities tab shows all identities used each time a document was saved.




The button "Remove Signer" allows you to remove the sign from a document so that the next time the document is saved, the sign is removed.

When loading a document it is possible to see the status of the sign in the status bar:

- first icon: current signer (available or not)

- second icon: signed document (signed or not, valid/invalid, trusted/not trusted). If you double-click it the Identities dialog is opened.



When receiving a signed document, you can see the sign in "Documents Identities", select the identity and click "Trust" to add it to the "Known Identities" list.

Mnova allows you to add several signatures, so each user can sign the document at any time.


You can display your signature as a header/footer in your Mnova document, by following the menu 'Home/Page Header/Footer'




Keep in mind that the documents are signed when saving (to a mnova file), so nothing will appear in the header until the document is saved. Also to be strict with the actual status of the signature, the signature fields will be empty too if the document has been modified since the last save. This means that if we, for instance, want to report the document as PDF including the signature header/footer, we must save the document as an mnova document first and then print to PDF the unmodified version of the document.