Working on a Single Page

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Whilst Mnova is a multipage document, it also allows you to have several objects (e.g. spectra) within a single page. The easiest way of placing two spectra on the same page is to simply select one of them, copy it ('Edit/Copy', <Right Click> and Copy or <Ctrl+C> (or Cmd+C for Mac)) and then paste it directly on the desired page (Select the desired page and press 'Edit/Paste', <Right Click> and Paste or <Ctrl+V> (or Cmd+V in Mac)).


Note that the active object is highlighted with green squares (in the green circle in the figure below). Any Mnova object can be resized and moved by just clicking and dragging on the corner boxes or on the object respectively. Note also that any other objects selected but not active will be highlighted with white squares (in a blue circle in the figure below) (To select more than one object, hold the <Ctrl> (or Cmd in Mac) key while clicking on the desired objects. To select all objects on a page, just choose 'Edit/Select All' or the keyboard shortcut <Ctrl+A> (or Cmd+A in Mac).




Once more than one object (spectrum or otherwise) has been placed on the same page, it can be manipulated and placed on the page by using the scroll menu shown in the figure below, accessible via the 'Arrange' icon:




This scroll menu will allow you to Bring to Front or Up, Send Down or Back, Align Left, Right, Top and Bottom, to Center Horizontally or Vertically (applying this last operation with multiple objects selected will Superimpose them), to center the object one page, to distribute the centers and gaps and to tile the objects or the spectra. Of course, you can move the spectrum selected in a given direction using the arrow keys of your keyboard. Remember that multiple objects must have been selected for these commands to work effectively. You can also superimpose several spectra by using the 'Superimpose' feature.





The superimpose option is very useful when attempting to identify a known compound present in a complex mixture or when comparing similar compounds.

Any operations applied to the active object will also be applied to the other selected objects (zooming, panning, cutting, processing operations, etc) as was the case with multiple pages selected.


If the Mnova document is huge and contains several pages, you can save only some of the pages, by selecting them in the page navigator and following the menu 'File/Saves as/MestReNova Pages (*.mnpag)'


If you want to merge different Mnova documents into the same one, follow the menu 'File/Open/MestReNova Pages (*.mnpag)' to select the desired documents to be merged.