Data Browser

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As you know, you can load datasets into Mnova just by dragging&dropping the folder(s) containing the raw data. Alternatively, you can just load the FID by following the 'File/Open' (Ctrl/Cmd +O as a shortcut) and since Mnova 9.1.0, you could also use the Data Browser to load your datasets, just by double clicking on the applicable folder (or by dragging&dropping):




If the Data Browser is not displayed on your screen, just follow the menu 'View/Panel/Data Browser'.


You can register several data locations just by clicking on the applicable button or by dragging and dropping (into the browser) the folder containing the datasets:



These data locations are the same as in "File/Preferences/General/Open&Save/Open Locations".

The data browser will handle all spectral and molecule formats from all vendors, but the user will be entitled to filter some of the formats:


In case of Bruker datasets all openable data will be listed in the tree view: fid and all 1r's or ser and all 2rr's. The spectral titles will be shown directly in the panel and also be available as tool-tips. Hovering the cursor over the spectra folder or fid/ser file related will display some information. In case of Bruker files, the parm.txt file is shown as tooltip. In case of Varian files, the content of Comment field will be displayed.


At the bottom of the Data Browser you will find a 'search feature' that will work with wildcards and strings in the same way. For example, you will get the same result by typing ".mol" or "*.mol" in the search cell, and both searches take equal time:
