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You can normalize the intensity of the spectrum by using this tool located in the 'More Processing Menu'. There are six different methods: total area, largest peak, largest peak range, a desired peak, a peak range or the 'manual normalization':




- Total Area: Set the total area of each spectra to a specified value. Note you can use Cut or Blind Regions tools to exclude regions (such as residual water peaks).

- Largest Peak: Set the height of the highest peaks to the specified value. Again you can use the Cut or Blind Regions tools to exclude some peaks.

- Largest Peak Range: Set the height of the highest peaks within a range (default: the current zoom in region) to the specified value.

- Peak: Set the height of the specified ppm point to a specified value.

- Peak Range: Set the sum-integral of a specified range (default: the current zoom in region) to a specified value.

- Manual: Multiply all points of the spectrum by the specified value. (100 in the example below):


manual normalization




This tool is extremely useful when the user wants to stack spectra with different relative intensities and also after applying a binning.


Please bear in mind that peaks, integrals and multiplets will be scaled after a normalization.