Multiplet Analysis options

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Follwing the menu 'Analysis/Multiplet Analysis/Options' will display the applicable dialog box:


multiplet analysis options


From here you can select the minimum area and the integration calculation method (Peaks, which uses GSD, Sum, which is the classical integration method and 'Edited Sum' which uses the traditional integration and the peak classification from GSD, discarding impurities and solvents from the area calculation) and also to select what kind of peaks will be take into account for the multiplet analysis. By default only compounds peaks will be, so the solvent peaks will not affect to the multiplet analysis (very useful for example if a solvent signal overlaps with a compound peak).


When running automatic multiplet analysis using Sum or Edited Sum methods the multiplet ranges will not overlap.


The 'Ranges Growth Factor' field will allow you to tune the multiplet range.