MS Tables

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You will find all the information about the peaks of your chromatograms and mass spectra by following the menu 'View/Tables/Mass Peaks' (or by right clicking on any toolbar and selecting 'Mass Peaks'):

You can see below an example of a 'Peaks Table' of a chromatogram; which includes information about the 'Retention Time', the number of the 'Scan', 'Type'  (to describe peak ends. Possible values: 'Unknown', BB (Baseline to baseline), 'BV' (Baseline to valley); 'VB' (Valley to baseline); 'VV' (Valley to valley) and 'Shoulder'), 'Height', 'Area' 'Start', 'End Time', 'Width', 'Tailing Factor', 'Number of Theoretical plates', 'Resolution', 'Signal to noise ratio', etc:

Mass peaks table1

Clicking on the scroll down menu of “System Suit” button will allow you to choose betewen: US or European Pharmacopoeia.


Clicking on the USP button itself will display the predefined settings for USP and EP. This predefined sets cannot be modified, however you can create a custom method by clicking on the“Add” button.


Chromatogram peaks can be filled with a color by manually selecting a color for a chromatogram peak with the "Set Peak Fill" button or by double clicking the "Fill" cell. The "Set Peaks Fill Automatically" button will automatically fill all the peaks. Color and opacity can be modified via "Set Peak Fill" button.


You can also add peak lables from the table. A table like the below one will be obtained in the case of a 'Mass' spectrum:


Mass peak table2


From the View/Tables/Mass', you can also open the other Mass tables:


Following the menu 'View/Tables/Parameters' will display the Parameters table:

Parameters MS


You can customize the content of the 'Parameters' table by clicking on the applicable button (as you can do with the NMR parameters)


Customize MS_parameters


If you need to concatenate several values from parameter files (e.g. a _HEADER.TXT file from Waters) into a single parameter, you can do it via scripting by following the example below:


Set the parameter as =someScriptFunctionName(_HEADER.TXT(Conditions)). You can rename as you wish.


Create a script file with the function scriptFunctionName, for example, to get the first word:


function someScriptFunctionName(aConditionsValue) {

   // function to get first word

     var firstWord = aConditionsValue.trim().match(/^\S+/);

     return firstWord ? firstWord[0] : "";



Now setup Mnova to load that script file on load by following the menu 'File/Preferences/Scripting' and adding it either to a known scripts folder or to a new folder.