How to predict a spectrum with NMRPredict Desktop? |
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Carrying out of predictions in Mnova with the NMRPredict Desktop plugin is very easy.
1. Just, import a molecular structure. Currently, molecular structures can be imported as a .mol file by simply using the Open command exactly in the same way as this would be applied to a spectrum. Bear in mind, that you are actually able to copy&paste .cdx structures from ChemDraw and .mol from IsisDraw but not drag&drop them. Support to 'drag & drop' operations are currently limited to ChemSketch.
2. Right click on the molecule structure and select ‘Predict 1H Spectrum’ or ‘Predict 13C Spectrum’.
3. After that, you will obtain the desired predicted spectrum which can be analyzed as a real one (e.g. it can be integrated, peak picking, etc).
You can also modify the chemical shift and the coupling constant values from the table of the predicted spectrum. Just, highlighted the spectrum, follow the menu 'Prediction/1HPrediction Table' and then double click on the value that you want to edit. The changes made on the table will take effect automatically in the simulated spectrum.
Please bear in mind that the peak labels and the multiplet boxes will show the corresponding atom numbers of the molecule.
Finally, if you want to know the "predicted assignment", just hover the mouse over the desired atom, (so that it becomes highlighted in a red box) and the corresponding signal in the spectrum will automatically highlight in blue (increasing slightly its intensity); or vice versa (hovering the mouse over the peak will highlight the corresponding atom on the molecular structure).
A similar procedure will be followed to run X-Nuclei predictions: 31P, 19F, 15N, 17O, 29Si. In this case, just follow the menu ‘Predict’ and select the desired option:
Of course you will be able to change the appearance of your simulated spectra as you prefer. Here is a sample: