Formats supported

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Here you can see a list of some of the main formats supported by Mnova ElViS:

ASCII (.txt, .csv). This format must be loaded by following the menu 'File/Open' and selecting the ElViS CSV (*.csv; *.txt) converter from the scroll down menu. The CSV files could contain two XY columns (being the first column: wavenumber/wavelength/arbitrary) or three or more XYY columns in case of stacked plots.

JCAMP-DX (.jcamp, .dx, .jdx, .jcm)

OPUS (.0, .1,...)

Thermo Nicolet Omnic (.spa)

Thermo Galactic GRAMS (.spc)

Mnova will allow you to export your ElViS datasets as .csv, JCAMP-DX, .txt and .mnova and different image formats; by following the menu 'File/Save As'.