Blind regions

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This feature will be used to select regions from your spectra which will be skipped by the calculation of the analysis algorithms (such as integration).


Conversely, blind regions will not be saved or searched in the Database. This will allow users to ignore areas of the spectrum which present particular challenges, whilst still being able to use the rest of the information in the spectrum.


You will be able to select the Blind Regions by following the menu 'View/Blind Regions/Add Blind Region' and clicking&dragging on the regions of interest.


In the example below, you can see how we have added a couple of blind regions to discard the front and the end of the chromatograms:




Use the green handlers to graphically change the limits of the blind regions. Please bear in mind that overlapping two blind regions, will merge them.


When setting up blind regions, a warning icon may appear in the upper right corner of the table, indicating that blind regions selected may reduce significantly the reliability of results.



This message could appear if:

The blind regions ranges extension is more than a 75% of the chromatogram range.

There is at least one not-blind region with a length less than a 25% of the chromatogram range.


Selecting the 'Show Blind Regions Table' will display a dialog box which will allow you to save the regions, to load another 'blind regions' file, to enable/disable the highlight of the blind regions, to add/remove blind regions and to synchronize chromatograms:


With the Synchronize Chomatograms feature enabled (which is the default mode), the user can select in only one chromatogram as many blind regions intervals as he wants and auto-set them for the rest chromatograms of the page.


If you disable the Synchronize Chromatograms mode, you still can use it by holding down the Shift key while clicking&dragging the desired chromatogram time range.


Right clicking on any cell of the table will allow you to delete or disable the applicable blind region. You can also delete them by clicking on the red cross button red cross




You can predefine blind regions rules from the 'Preference/Mass/Import/Blind Regions' dialog box:

