Setting multiplets

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All the multiplet boxes are mouse-sensitive and they respond to usual mouse operations. If you want to move up or down all the multiplet boxes, just click and drag (with the left mouse button) over anyone of the boxes (notice that hovering the mouse over the box will highlight it in red).


To change the range of the multiplets, hover the mouse over the multiplet box, click on one of the green squares and drag the mouse to the left or right (notice that once you hover the mouse over the green squares of the multiplet label, the mouse pointer turns to horizontal arrow).


multiplet label


Cutting Multiplets: to divide any multiplet just by clicking on the red square of the multiplet label and dragging the mouse:


divide multiplet


Right clicking on the multiplet box, will display the applicable context menu:




From here you will be able to display the 'Multiplet Manager' or the 'Table of Multiplets'. You can also change the 'Peaks Type' (from compound to impurity, solvent, artifact, etc) or to assign the peaks inside the multiplet to a specific compound. You can generate a 'multiplet report', copy the multiplets to the clipboard, delete and add multiplet peaks, etc as you can see in the picture above.